
Only Research/OFF99 community members are able buy tickets for Great Year For It, but have no fear it's free to join and only takes a few minutes!

Just complete a membership request and we'll get back to you shortly. If you’re already a Research member (AKA you've bought tickets for a Research underground event), then login.

For why we do ticketing this way, see 'How can I get tickets?' in 'Frequently Asked Questions' located below.
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[Smoke Machine, Taiwan]




[Distant Signals]

Installations by Jax Braun + Gia Valente

LINEUP UPDATE: Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our + IVVY's control, they are no longer able to play this event.
We will have them back at a future date.

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The address will be sent to ticketholders via email on the day of the event.


If you are not an approved Research member yet, you must complete a ticket request before you can purchase tickets. More information can be found on the front page of our website.